Saturday, January 25, 2014

Essay on the science and war

science and war

Science and war are two different terms but they are found to have been deeply related. The existence of war initiated before the invention of scientific discoveries which are nowadays used as the means of war. The mode of war has been made destructive due to the misuse of scientific discoveries and deadly devices.

It is said that the modern scientific discoveries have made everything more comfortable. Nowadays we can travel around the world in twenty-four hours. We can enjoy everything sitting at one home. Due to the invention of scientific discoveries, we have achieved complete access to each of the corners of the world. On the other hand, the means of scientific discoveries are willingly misused for the destruction of human civilization; no doubt, it’s the worst aspect of the science and technology. The discoveries of science and technology cannot be said to be completely responsible for making the mode of war more destructive because no scientific discoveries are destructive themselves if we use them properly.

Due to the misunderstanding among or between the countries along with the development of battle instruments, wars break out. The powerful countries try to take the whole world under their control. But it is not accepted by other countries. So due to the so called supremacy of powerful countries and the feeling of self-dignity of other countries, wars automatically break out; and they ultimately invite catastrophic consequences.

Science is not the cause of war but it absolutely functions as a promoter. The means of scientific discoveries are misused as the weapons of war human beings. Nowadays various kinds of fatal weapons of wars are widely used all over the world. So an intricate relation between science and war exists at the root of modern battles. The deadly devices and discoveries hostile to put out rave an end through the tremendous misuse of scientific deceived; for instance two entire cities in Japan were completely ruined as the result of atom bomb.

Although science doesn’t play the prime role to break out wars, it has undoubtedly and unquestionably promoted and intensified the mode of wars due to the deadly discoveries of it. Modern wars and deadly scientific discoveries have emerged inextricably. Therefore the relation between science and war has been widened and promoted.

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